Tuesday, November 16, 2010

How to Make Newspaper Pots

It may seem early to be talking about starting seeds, but depending on how many plants you are starting it can take a little time to make all of the pots!

As you know, if you've been following my blog, I am poor.  So, I am always looking for ways to save money.  This is one of those ways:

Making pots from newspaper is very simple.  You can make almost any size.  I use soda pop cans to wrap the paper around because they are the right size, and, well - they're free!  (The pop costs, but the can is free...)

You will need a pop can and a newspaper.  If you don't take the paper, ask a neighbor,
they are usually happy to part with a few papers.

You need to cut the paper in strips about the size of the can.

Cut to size.

Put the paper about 2/3rds the way up the can and start rolling it onto the can.

Wrap all the way around the can.

Start folding the paper down over the bottom.

Fold it all down.  No tape - it won't degrade in the garden!

Here it is all rolled up.  If you want you can add a bit of water to the paper
to help it hold it's shape.  NOTE: If you use water poke a hole in the bottom
of the can to keep a vacuum from forming when removing the paper.

Here is the finished product.  Just add potting mix, plant your seeds and enjoy - Free Pots!!

Get your hands dirty!


  1. How very brilliant! I love this...recycle newspaper and it is degradable. I will try this out in a few months when I am ready to start my seeds.

  2. Fantastic idea! and easy - that's important :)

  3. What a great post! This will give me something to do during the winter.

  4. Very creative. I liked your visuals and the post title too.

  5. Thanks for the money-saving tip - nice to 'meet' a fellow gardener-on-a-shoe-string. Very well illustrated step by step


  6. Thanks for the tip. Perfect for my university student budget for gardening

  7. Love it! And especially love how to-esdays! Woot! :)


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